About the Site

About Us

This site was originally created in September 2002 in service to God, the ancestors and the Lwa by Mambo Chita Tann (Mambo Tamara or Mambo T for short), an initiate of Haitian Vodou who originally took the asson in July 2001 in Jacmel, Haiti. Mambo T has been a member of the Sosyete Belle Fleur Guinea of Port-au-Prince and Pétionville, Haiti since October 2004. Mambo T's own sosyete, called Kouwone Andezo or "crowned in two waters" after her original initiatory name and based in the Chicago area, opened in August 2001 and was renamed Fòs Fè Yo Wè, or "Strength Makes Them See," upon her re-initiation as a mambo asogwe of the Sosyete Belle Fleur Guinea in Port-au-Prince, Haiti during January 2006. Mambo T is currently based in Portland, Oregon. Her personal website and the website for her online Vodou botanica can be found at Legba's Crossroads.

Vodou Faithweb is intended to be a nonbiased reference presentation for information about the practice of Vodou in Haiti and by Haitian Vodou initiates outside of Haiti. All information on this site was written by Mambo T unless otherwise noted, and is copyright (C)2002-2018 by Mambo T. Site design was supplied by Stargazer Design in 2002. For more up to date information on Haitian Vodou and Mambo Chita Tann, we encourage you to check in the Links section for sites that are updated more frequently.

Please e-mail Mambo T with any comments, suggestions or additions, or sign our Guestbook.

Thank you for your visit!


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